
International conference on actual problems of psychology

The Western Caspian University will host an international conference on "Actual Problems of Psychology: New Perspectives, New Views and New Thoughts" on June 19-20, 2021.

Psychological symptoms in hereditary diseases, new psychophysiological experimental results, modern neuropsychological problems, results and scientific achievements in the field of psychology, legal support of psychology, the role of psychology in the development of society, the interaction of psychology and other sciences connections and other topics are expected to be discussed by scholars. The main purpose of the International Conference (online) is the exchange of scientific achievements, the establishment of new scientific relations for the improvement of future scientific research. Opportunities will be created for young researchers to improve their scientific knowledge and gain experience.


The conference will include lectures on research on the following topics:

The current state of general psychology;

Pathopsychology and clinical psychology: current problems of hereditary and CNS diseases;

New views on the mechanisms of neurosis, autism, depression and neurodegenerative diseases;

Defectology: oligophrenia, speech therapy, deaf pedagogy, typhlopedagogy, amblyology, etc.;

Investigation of the interaction of stress, emotional tension and anxiety with cognitive processes and application of the obtained results;

Psychodiognostics and neuropharmacology;

Neurophysiology of training and modern solutions to neuropsychological problems;

New experimental methods and results in psychophysiology;

Law psychology;

Religion and ethno psychology: the requirements of the time and multiculturalism;

Age psychology: Child and adolescent psychology; Gerontopsychology;

Family and household psychology;

Psychology of creative activity;

Pedagogical psychology;

Social psychological assistance in extreme conditions and prevention methods;

Interaction of psychology with other disciplines (sociology, psychiatry, neurology, etc.).